Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Workshop On "Writing A Resume That Gets Noticed"

Having a resume that catches an employer's eye and presents you effectively can make a significant difference for whether you are invited to a job interview. A successful resume clearly presents your qualifications, accomplishments and the results you have achieved in a format that is easy to read and demonstrates your qualifications for a job.

To help adults write an effective resume, the Center for Professional Development, University of Hartford, is offering a free one-hour program on Tuesday, Oct. 13, from 6-7 p.m., about "Writing a Resume That Gets Noticed." Ron Clinton, a professional career counselor at the center, will talk about how to write an effective resume, various resume formats that can be used to present information and qualifications, and strategies you can use to make your resume stand out. There will be a question and answer period as part of the presentation when you can ask questions about resume writing.

Information about the center's career planning/job advancement services and other services available at the center will also be discussed.

Pre-registration for this program is preferred. Please call 860-768-5619 to pre-register. Walk-ins are welcome. The program will be held at the Center for Professional Development at 50 Elizabeth St., Hartford on the University of Hartford's Asylum Avenue Campus.

Visit the Center's website at www.hartford.edu/cfpd for more information.

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