Thursday, October 22, 2009

Executive's résumé effective, but there's room for changes

Richard May of Oradell has been searching for his next opportunity for more than a year. He has interviewed for a few jobs, to no avail. He is facing the same hurdles many experienced workers face in today's job market.

"During the last face-to-face I had, the president of the company said, "You are the oldest individual that I have interviewed for this position,'" he recalled in an e-mail. "When I told him that I wear my age as a badge of honor, he said my age was a good thing."

The position was non-salaried and commission-only. May never heard from that company again. Still hopeful, he is seekin a job with "any company that can maximize my talents to increase their profitability."


1996-2008: Realogy Corporation. Vice president, education then vice president, education and events; supported the development and deployment of a strategic servicing platform for the Coldwell Banker brand.

1990-96: The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. Director, field training and development; created, implemented and monitored training and professional development programs for all field personnel.


Key areas of strengths include: Team leadership, events management, staff development and training, as well as P&L budget accountability, program implementation and developing strategic partnerships.


I, along with my Coldwell Banker University National Team, was recognized as the Coldwell Banker MVP Annual Award winner for displaying dedication, professionalism, leadership and peak performance on a daily basis.

What I'm reading: "Life's Greatest Lessons "" 20 Things that Matter," by Hal Urban. It's about tapping into your potential for becoming the best person you can be and for enjoying life to the fullest. It espouses a society known for its civility, virtues and old-fashioned goodness. Sign me up!

My fantasy job: Owner of the New York Yankees.

Person I admire most: Theresa, my supportive wife. As a mom, as a nurse, as my best friend, she is the most loving and caring person I know. When we exchanged wedding vows I told her that I would always provide for her, not to worry. She is now working to keep us afloat and has never once complained. I always loved and admired her. If it's possible, now I love her even more.

Why should you hire me, in 25 words or less: I am performance driven and function in a variety of roles to execute team assignments while creating an environment in which individuals produce superior results.


Elizabeth Feehan, freelance career consultant in Boonton (


In today's job market, it's a good time to rethink one's skill set and experience and explore sectors avoided in the past.

The informational interview, a technique for finding new industries or sectors where skills might easily transfer, is one approach for expanding into new areas. Who knows, a real work opportunity might result from such a meeting!

An informational interview, however, is not the venue for asking for a job -- it's the venue for getting sound and actionable advice. Guidance on how to prepare for and conduct informational interviews is found in many job search manuals, as well as at online job posting sites.

Not as a long-term answer to their employment status but rather as a short-term fix, some are finding their background very attractive to education and health care, two reportedly growing sectors of the economy.

I can cite several job seekers who are currently teaching/tutoring at two and four-year colleges and enjoying this interim work very much. While part-time, adjunct teaching jobs are not highly compensated, they do add a new dimension to a résumé and provide fodder for discussion in an interview.

During a protracted job search, one is often asked, "How are you using your time?" Being able to respond with enthusiasm to that query increases one's confidence, and the response may well impress the interviewer with a candidate's resilience and resourcefulness.

Richard's training and development background combined with an M.B.A. are strong credentials for adjunct teaching positions. Here are two recommended web resources: and

Teaching and administrative assignments in University Executive Education and Executive MBA programs are other avenues to consider.


Richard has authored an effective résumé, which, to me, begins with an eye-appealing layout and is characterized by well-written content and consistency.

As for layout, Richard uses bold fonts, bullets and borders sparingly "" only to emphasize key ideas and to separate resume topics. His is a well laid-out, two- page document.

His opening career profile gives the reader a synopsis of his skills and experience. But there is always room for improvement.


  • The profile could be improved by rethinking the use of the opening word "Authentic" and by shortening the list of key strengths. Furthermore, he might reinforce these strengths by using the same verbiage as prefaces to accomplishment statements.
  • Why not take more credit for The National University Team by rewording the third Selected Accomplishment to read, "Led the "Led the...Team that was selected..." Adding one or two more achievements to this section, especially one that relates to revenue growth/enhancement, would be valuable.
  • The 2006-2008 position suggests expanded responsibilities. Why not make that more explicit for the reader? It might be wise to note size of staff and reporting relationship on page 1.
  • There is one typo on page 1: the word lead is used when the past tense "led" is needed.
  • Despite the proliferation of internet job sites, networking continues to be the leading source of new work opportunities. Some job seekers find University alumni associations, Linked In, and as ways to connect with fellow alums and executives at targeted employers.
  • The same can be said about professional associations, many of whom maintain searchable on-line member directories, and who, through their local chapter meetings, provide valuable networking opportunities.

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