Friday, September 30, 2011

Top 10 Checklist for an Effective Resume

) Keep it short. The effective resume is preferably one page, two at the most. If you’ve written a novel, tear it apart and whittle it down to one/two pages.

 2) It must be easy to read. That means the effective resume is well organized with clear headings

3) It must avoid overly specific professional jargon. Keep in mind that your resume is likely to be read first by someone in the HR department who may not have a clue what you’re talking about when you say

4) The effective resume is tailored for a specific position. I understand that may mean cranking out slight variations of your resume every day of the week to target different job postings.

5) Portray yourself as a problem solver.

6) Quantify your accomplishments with hard numbers whenever possible.

7) Don’t mention your current, or expected salary on the resume.If said to be metioned,mentioned in a range

8) Don’t mention personal information, like whether or not you’re single or married, whether or not you have kids, hobbbies

9) Check, check, check for misspellings. Don’t ever, ever, ever submit a resume or post it online without doing a spell check. 

10) Proofread from others that you before sending my email or post